Integrating simPRO with FlatRateNOW

In this article, we will guide you through enabling the integration between FlatRateNOW and simPRO

You must have a subscription to both FlatRateNOW and simPRO before being able to integrate. This is done from inside FlatRateNOW. Before starting, we recommend you have created your users in both simPRO and FlatRateNOW, so they can be linked.


  1. Head to your FlatRateNOW Office
  2. Open your 'Configuration'
  3. Select 'simPRO Integration' as your 'Mode'
  4. Click 'Apply' at the top


Once you have chosen simPRO integration, you may begin:


  1. Select the blue 'Connect to simPRO'
    1. If you are part of the O'Brien & Laser Group, please follow these steps.
  2. Enter in your simPRO build URL
  3. You will be asked to log into simPRO with your credentials
    1. Please remember to use your simPRO credentials
  4. Press 'Yes' to authorise the connection
  5. Next step relates to the simPRO Company:
    1. If you only have 1 company in your simPRO, select 'continue'
    2. If you have multiple companies in your simPRO build, please choose the company you'd like to link to FlatRateNOW
    3. Then select 'continue'


Congratulations, you have now successfully connected your simPRO with FlatRateNOW.


Next, you will need to link your simPRO employee's to their FlatRateNOW user - click here to learn how.