Linking simPRO and FlatRateNOW Users

In this article, you will learn how to link your simPRO employees with your FlatRateNOW users.

Before simPRO and FlatRateNOW can begin sharing quotes/jobs, you will need to link your simPRO employees to their associated FlatRateNOW user.

This process is important to ensure that the right person in FlatRateNOW will receive the simPRO quote/job.


  1. Go to your Office Portal
  2. Access 'Configuration'
  3. Select 'Match Users'
    1. Please note that you will need to have the FlatRateNOW user created before you can match the user
  4. Locate the simPRO employee and select the 'link me' button to the right
  5. On the right hand side, select from the available FlatRateNOW users
  6. Click 'Save'
  7. To finish, click 'close'


simPRO will now begin to send quotes and jobs to FlatRateNOW for your linked employees.