Using Labour Adjustment

This article will explain how to use the labour adjustment tool within the FlatRateNOW quoting app.

There are a million and one reasons as to why you would need to adjust the labour on a quotation.

Follow these steps to access the Labour Adjustment tool within the FlatRateNOW app and control the labour hours.

  1. Log into your FlatRateNOW app
  2. Create a quotation
    create a quote
  3. Click on the total price of the quote
    click on total quote price
  4. Select 'Labour Adjustment'
    select labour adjustment
  5. Use the scroll bar or the 'adjusted by' field to alter the labour hours
    scroll bar and adjusted by
  6. Click Continue to save
    press continune to proceed


Watch this short video to see the Labour Adjustment feature in action.