Trustpilot FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Who is Trustpilot?

Trustpilot are world leaders in the review industry. With over 220,000 companies and 50,000,000 reviews world-wide. The general public’s sentiment to online reviews has been lacking in recent years with a large percentage of customers believing the reviews are either fake or fraudulently added to boost social proofing. By linking each review to their respective job, Trustpilot has created an authentication process. This process works both with the business owner and the consumer to ensure consistency and transparency is available.

Are there any setup fees for the Trustpilot add-on?

No, there are no setup fees for the Trustpilot addon as the process is DIY. If you would like a member of FlatRateNOW to complete the setup for you, contact us here. Please note: there will be additional charges for this service.

I’m on the products page but when I click “Add Subscription” it provides me an error, how do I fix this?

If you are trying to add subscription and you get an error message like “your cart as it already contains a subscription renewal” you will need to head to your cart and remove any products that are already in your cart. This process refreshes your cart and will grant you access to the add-on.

Am I locked into a contract for the Trustpilot add-on?

No, the Trustpilot add-on does not lock you into a minimum term.

Am I able to pick which customers receive the review request?

A business must not practice ‘masking reviews’. Each and every customer must be given a fair and equal opportunity to provide your business with a review. The ACCC and Consumer Law have issued fines in the last 12 months to a number of businesses that were found to be manipulating or interfering with the customer review process. This breaches the law as it is seen to be misleading to potential new customers. Trustpilot and FlatRateNOW have partnered up to reduce the chance of false, fake or fraudulent reviews being placed against your business. If you would like more information about the user guidelines for Trustpilot, click here.

What can I do if I get a bad review from a customer? Am I allowed to delete it?

As a business owner, you are unable to remove customer reviews, however, you are able to contact and discuss the root cause of the bad review with the customer. A bad review can provide insight into areas lacking within your business – remember, we are all only human and mistakes occur, however, there are times when a bad review goes beyond a ‘bad review’, customers have laws they must adhere to as well. Should you feel that a review requires a review, contact Trustpilot.

What if I want to ask Trustpilot a question?

As you will have your own Trustpilot account, you are able to contact their support team, otherwise, you can click here to view Trustpilot’s FAQ.