This Month's Release Notes

A round-up of all the new features released by FlatRateNOW.

Flat Rate is always striving to make your plumbers’ lives easier. With this in mind, we have made some improvements to how FlatRateNOW works.

Performance. We have significantly improved the performance of the Scratch Pad, specifically, it is now much quicker to Create Quotes than it used to be and you are able to create Quotes from Options containing larger numbers of Tasks, without the frustration of the process failing. Click here to learn more..

Downloading Quotes to the iPad. We have made it easier for your plumbers to download Quotes to their iPads to share with their customers. Now you can create a Quote, download it to the iPad in seconds and share it with your customers, should you need to you can go back to the Quote and edit and download it again. All this is now done within the browser and allows you to view multiple quotes simultaneously. Click here to learn more..

Improved User Interface. We have done some work making the screen clearer, and the various process steps less confusing for new users. Click here to learn more..