Purchase Order Update - 8 July 2021

The latest update for Purchase Order feature includes the following changes:

  1. Pop-up Prompt will appear after the quote is accepted

    When you accept a quotation, a new pop-up will appear asking if you would like to view/organise the materials for the job.

    This can be disabled in the Office Portal - Disable Material List Pop-up Guide

  2. A Guided Process is available to all users of the feature

    When you access the Purchase Order feature, you will be asked if you want to be guided through the process of organising your Purchase Order and uploading it to your supplier.

  3. You can now record all materials as used from 'Vehicle/Office Stock'

    The Purchase Order feature would return an error if you attempted to record all the materials as 'Vehicle/Office Stock'.

    If all of the materials you've sold on the job are available as stock from your vehicle/office, you can now record it.

  4. 'Vehicle/Office Stock' is now recorded as a separate 'order'
    When you select 'Vehicle/Office Stock' for any items, these will now be recorded as an 'order' and be visible in your Purchase Order screen.

  5. The existing 'Vehicle/Office Stock' order will automatically update if a new purchase order is raised and includes the item
    To simplify the process of capturing updates to your 'Vehicle/Office Stock' order, if you place a new Purchase Order for an item you actually don't have available as 'Vehicle' or 'Office' stock, we will automatically update your order to reflect the change.

    This will save you time and help to improve the accuracy of your orders.

  6. 'Vehicle/Office Stock' entries are now visible from the Office Portal
    You can now access the materials that have been recorded as used from 'Vehicle/Office Stock' from the Office Portal within Purchase Orders.

  7. Yes and No buttons are now Green and Red
    To improve the user-ability, we have changed the colour of the Yes and No button on our pop-up notifications.