May-20 Update 2020

The following update was deployed on the 20th of May 2020.

On the 20th of May, the following update was deployed.




To support your sale and improve your chances of selling that job, the following improvement has been deployed for the Brighte Payment Plan Integration:

  • Sent Quote will now include promotional text within the body of the email

Brighte Screenshot 4

  • Quote PDF Document will include Brighte Payment Plan text below the total price.

Brighte Screenshot 1

  • Quote PDF Document will include a section below the signatures that will provide:
    • Fortnight Repayment amount for your longest available repayment terms
    • Brighte’s logo
    • Brighte’s disclaimer
  • Online Quote View will now include a Brighte Banner Display ad below the total value of the quote

Brighte Screenshot 2

  • A sticker will appear over the billing details when the quote meets the minimum requirement making it easier to access financing from the quote screen

Brighte Screenshot 3


End of Day Report:

  • Totals will now appear across the bottom of each table where suitable
    end of day report total screenshot 1
  • Include Completed quote’s in Quote Summary to improve accuracy
  • Update to Quote Summary Title legend to include Completed quotes
  • Spelling correction and title update to improve readability on Home page