July-23 2020 Update

In this article, we explain the update deployed on July 23rd 2020.

Version 1.2.3 was deployed on the 23rd of July and included the following changes to FlatRateNOW.



  • Previously, a customer was only accessible by the user that created the record. We have now improved the FlatRateNOW app to allow ALL users of the business to access all customers
  • All users can now create jobs for any customer.
  • All users can now update customer details to ensure their record is up to date.


Claim Job Feature

The improvement to the Customer accessibility has resulted in a significant increase to the performance and reduced the load times for claiming jobs.



  • Performance update deployed for creating new jobs from ServiceM8 integration
  • When accepting quotes in FlatRateNOW, a bug would cause a connection issue that resulted in tasks disappearing or being duplicated in the Quotes/Invoices tab of ServiceM8. We have deployed an update which checks the ServiceM8 system to ensure that you receive exactly what was on the FlatRateNOW quote.
  • To improve the reliability and stability of the FlatRateNOW/ServiceM8 integration, we have also added an automatic retry process that will make sure your quote information gets to ServiceM8.