July-17 Update 2020

The following article outlines the update released on the 17th of July 2020.

On the 17th of July 2020, the following update was released for the FlatRateNOW app. This update is version 1.2.2.


Customer Supplied Products

  • The following disclaimer “Note: Customers selecting 'Customer Supplied' items are not charged for their supply. Warranty cannot be given on customer supplied items” will be removed from all tasks.

customer supplied product disclaimer

  • Instead, the note will be included in the Product. When you choose the Customer Supplied product option, the disclaimer will appear on the quote PDF with the product name.


Sign Up Email & Reset Password Email

  • When creating new users, if you had set YES to the ‘Send Sign Up Email’ option, it would cause the user to fail and not be created. This is now fixed and will issue the email as requested.

send sign up email

  • If you accessed the User from FlatRateNOW office and used the ‘Send Reset Password’ button, it would fail and not issue the reset request. This is now fixed and will issue the email as requested.

send password reset instruction


Dashboard Update – Bonus Payments

  • If you utilise the Bonus Payments feature, you can now access the Bonus Payments information through your Quote view in FlatRateNOW Office. This means you are now able to create a ‘My Dashboard’ entry and access it at any time.

bonus payment dashboard

  • Check out how to create your own Bonus Payment dashboard with our 'How to' guide.


Bonus Payment – Daily/Weekly Reporting

  • Within the Configuration section of FlatRateNOW, you can enable either a daily or weekly report to be provided outlining the Bonus Payments owed to your employees.

bonus payment weekly or daily report

  • This is a CSV file that includes the Job/Quote number so you can verify the accuracy of your incentive before paying your employees.


Bonus Payment – Changing Bonus Payment Figure

  • If you make an update to your Bonus Payment figure on any tasks, it will not update the amount stored on accepted or completed quotes. This is to ensure consistency with your incentive program and when you make changes.

edit bonus payment in customise task

  • Any quotes that are in the Pending or Draft status, that include the task that you have changed will update to reflect the new Bonus Payment figure.


Bonus Payment – FlatRateNOW Office

  • A new column has been added to the Quote view in FlatRateNOW Office labelled ‘Bonus Payment’. This column will outline any bonus payment linked to the task.

bonus payment column in quote view within FRN office