How To Integrate With Stripe

In this lesson, you will learn how to integrate your Stripe account with your FlatRateNOW account. 

This integration guide is for users not currently integrated with ServiceM8.

Go to admin console (

In the admin console menu, go to configuration.

howdoiintergratewithstripe1Select ‘invoicing and payments’ as your feature mode.

Click apply - scroll up to the top of the page to locate the apply button.


Whilst in the configuration screen, click ‘payment methods’. In this screen, you can also delete payment methods, deactivate payment methods and state whether they are only to be used to collect the final payments.

To activate credit card processing, click ‘Activate Stripe’.


You will be redirected to Stripe now.

Log into Stripe. Fill in your stripe account information, if you do not have an account, click sign up.



Connect your Stripe account. 
Return to your admin console by clicking ‘click here’.



    Ensure you update the stripe redirect email with you accounts email. In the event your client has not provided an email address, FlatRateNOW & Stripe will redirect the receipt to your inbox so that you have a copy and are able to provide it to your client in their desired format.

    Remember, get everyone to refresh their browsers to be able to use payments in FlatRateNOW, and the stripe payment gateway