We will be bringing new updates on features and bug fixes every month to keep you updated with the new changes that ensure a smooth user experience and satisfaction.
Release Notes for 19th January 2022
Bright Pop-up:
If the quote exceeded $1,000, the Brighte prompt would appear asking : if you would like to include Brighte, even if Brighte was disconnected.
Adjustments - This has been fixed so that Brighte will only appear if you connected successfully
Disconnected Prompt for 3rd Party software:
While disconnecting the 3rd party software in your Office Portal there was no prompt available to reinstate the action.
Adjustments - You will now be prompted with the "Are you sure?" command.
Moving Tasks:
Previously in the App you could not move tasks up and down in the quoting screen.
Adjustments - Now you can move tasks up and down in the quoting screen by simply clicking and holding the "Move" symbol.
Deleting Tasks:
While deleting tasks on the quote, there was no prompt to confirm that you are sure to proceed with the action. As a result, users accidently deleted tasks.
Adjustments - Now if you press the Bin icon on the quote screen to delete a task, you will now be prompted with "Are you sure?" This will assist in reducing the chance of accidentally deleting the wrong task.
Rounding Issue with Partial Payments:
Previously if you completed more than 4 partial payments on a single invoice, there was a chance that the GST would round off by 1c.
Adjustments - The rounding issue with the GST has now been fixed to ensure you do not have invoice with an outstanding amount of 1c, even after they have been 'paid in full'.
Task Details + Product Image Setting:
You can now change the default for the Task Details and Product Image settings from within the Configuration Tab.
By deselecting the setting, you will by default now not include either the Task Details or Product Image. Each has their own setting so you can decide which one you would like to set as a default (on or off).
In-app Notifications:
Certain Apple devices were encountering an issue with the in-app notifications.
Adjustments - This issue no longer exists and now has been fixed.
Enabling Invoicing for 3rd Party Software:
Previously if you used a 3rd Party Job Management system such as ServiceM8, you were unable to generate an invoice directly within FlatRateNOW and record payments.
Adjustments - Now if you use a 3rd Party Job Management system, ServiceM8, or any other, you can now generate an invoice directly within FlatRateNOW and record payments. If you are using ServiceM8, the payment will also be recorded in ServiceM8.
Scratchpad Upload PDF:
Previously if you used a 3rd Party Job Management system such as ServiceM8, you were unable to upload an Office-Use only version of the Scratchpad.
Adjustments - Now if you use a 3rd Party Job Management system, ServiceM8 or any other, you can now upload an Office-Use only version of the Scratchpad by clicking "Upload". A PDF of the Scratchpad will upload into the document section of the job. This function only occurs when you press "Upload".
Release Notes for 28th January 2022
Converting Scratchpad Option to Quote:
When converting an option to a quote after an error has occurred, the price for each individual task reverted to the ‘Standard’ pricing.
Adjustments - We have developed a fix that will ensure the pricing tier chosen will always be the price that converts over to the quote
Scratchpad deleting Options/Tasks:
When loading the Scratchpad, the Scratchpad would re-upload a new Scratchpad Version that would override what was stored in the database. This resulted in Options/Tasks disappearing from the screen.
Adjustments - This issue has now been fixed.
Scratchpad Option Title:
You can now set a title for the Option in the Scratchpad. This does not appear in the Quote when you convert the option and is there to help clarify the difference between options.
Scratchpad Chosen Pricing:
To help clarify what price you have chosen in the Scratchpad, the price will now also include an UNDERLINE as well as BOLD.
3rd Party Software:
If you connect FlatRateNOW with SimPRO, we do not download jobs/quotes that were created are over 5 days old (when using the manual ‘Job Download’ button).
When uploading Accepted Quotes into SimPRO, we check to see if the Cost Centre is locked however if an error occurs during the checking process, the accepted quote data would not upload successfully.
Adjustments - We have corrected this issue and a new Job will be created when we detect that the Cost Centre